Draft Seal Windows Spectrum specialize in energy efficient sash window reconditioning.

  • Do you live on a busy, dusty, drafty, noisy road?
  • Do your sash windows rattle and hum?
  • Are your sash windows drafts costing you on power bills?
  • Do you want to keep the cold out in winter and the heat out in summer? 

Our draft seal system will restore your old, rattly, drafty timber windows back to life, into smooth-running energy saving windows, sealing out the cold and heat, dust and drafts. A valuable investment, and bringing your windows up-to-date achieves lower energy consumption for your home.

Our draft seal system can be installed during the process of our basic standard service. Discreet acoustic and end cap seals are machined into the parting and stop beads and seal you window tight from the elements. Once installed, your window will slide smoothly and like new.

No more rattles or drafts, just smooth sliding windows that are an investment in comfort and lower energy bills.

For more energy efficient window reconditioning see Soundproof windows